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2016_MTA 팀창업아카데미 설명회 (9월 8일)

참가 신청 : https://goo.gl/forms/Lpm7gV90lrxb8Puc2

문의 : MTA.korea2016@gmail.com

세부 정보 : www.facebook.com/mtakorea2016

Jose Mari Luzarraga

the Co-Founder and team-coach at MTA

International Team Director of the MTA network

the team-coach of the Team Mastery Spain & Asia

Business Administration degree by Deusto University

PhD. by Mondragon University on Social Enterprises and Globalization.

Ashoka Fellow 2015


주최 : 몬드라곤대학교 / 해피브릿지협동조합 / MTA world

주관 : HBM협동조합경영연구소아쇼카 한국